Reductionism, emergency and science teaching




Scientific Methods, Philosophy of Science, Life, Conscience


The present paper aimed to investigate the meanings of the concepts of reductionism and
emergence in the scientific field and how this knowledge can contribute to educational activities.
Different disciplines can use these concepts to stimulate scientific debate and the use of logical
arguments. The debate around this duality generated supporters on both sides, especially from
the 1970s onwards. However, its philosophical nature is not limited to a discussion only in the academic sphere; it also has consequences for the area of education. Thus, it is important to explore the possibility of using the developments of this issue as central themes in teaching activities. Relevant works were selected and examined from the point of view of the knowledge they added to the theoretical foundation of didactic actions. An internet search was carried out using certain descriptors on the search engine Google Scholar to roughly estimate the volume of research in some specific sub-areas considered throughout this investigation. It was found that there is more research on reductionism in biology than in other disciplines, as well as more work on the origin of life than on the origin of consciousness. 


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo de Siqueira Bicudo, Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Licenciando em Física pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP) - Campus Caraguatatuba.

Ricardo Roberto Plaza Teixeira, Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Licenciado e Bacharel em Física pela UNICAMP (1984), Licenciado e Bacharel em História pela USP (2000), Mestre em Física pela USP (1988), Doutor em Física pela USP (1996) e Professor Titular do IFSP-Caraguatatuba.


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How to Cite

BICUDO, Rodrigo de Siqueira; TEIXEIRA, Ricardo Roberto Plaza.
Reductionism, emergency and science teaching
. Ensino & Multidisciplinaridade, v. 8, n. 1, p. e0722, 1–13, 17 Sep. 2022 Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


