an experience in philanthropic institution of early childhood education





Curricular internship, Early Childhood Education, Humanized Teaching


The curricular internship presents itself as a tool of experiences, experiences and contact with the field of professional activity, in order to put into practice all the knowledge acquired in the degree, allowing to deconstruct knowledge rooted in common sense. Taking as a premise the construction of a humanized teaching that is sensitive to the historicity and culturality of childhood, theoretical studies, research and observation in the field of internship generated reflections and analyzes on training and teaching work. Some problems arose: how are activities in early childhood education developed in philanthropic institutions, with children under social vulnerability? Thus, the article proposes an experience report and
presentation of the data experienced in the Internship in Teaching Work Management I in the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Maranhão. As a result, the investigation of the functioning and management of teaching work in a philanthropic institution in São Luís - MA provided, through participant observation and structured interviews, the understanding of the organization of
the institution for children in early childhood education, which through of cultural and sports activities includes the surrounding community in the process of humanization and guarantee of rights.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, Valéria Luíza Costa; DUTRA, Rosyane de Moraes Martins.
ON THE TRACKS OF THE INTERNSHIP WITH RESEARCH:: an experience in philanthropic institution of early childhood education
. Revista Humanidades & Educação, v. 5, n. 9, p. 26–37, 24 Apr. 2024 Disponível em: https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/humanidadeseeducacao/article/view/21072. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


