the participatory methodology of the Centro de Cultura Negra Negro Cosme (CCN NC) as a way to educate for resistance in the city of Imperatriz - MA


  • Giselia Alves dos Santos



Social movement, Black, Non-formal education, Decolonial, Participatory methodology


With modernity and the myth of a racial democracy, it created a false harmony between peoples, which culminated in structural and exclusionary racism, and black social movements played a fundamental role in the process of building knowledge, in a collective and organized way in Brazil. Thus, for the construction of this work, we start from the proposal of a decolonial pedagogy, which aims, precisely, at this excluded, heterogeneous and local group: the black movement in the city of Imperatriz, Brazilian state of Maranhão (MA), with the following question: what is the methodology used by the Centro de Cultura Negra Negro Cosme (CCN-NC) to give visibility to the black and afrodescendant people in the process of struggle and resistance in the city of Imperatriz - MA? This work sought to dialogue with authors concerned with this theme of black social movement and education, such as: Gohn (2011), Arroyo (2012), hooks (2019), Walsh (2013), among others, as theoretical support. With descriptive research and qualitative analysis, this study sought to identify the social actors involved in the mediation process, describe their methodological practices, interrelating the micro and macro perspective of the movement. With this, this work pointed to the urgency of talking about an old theme and, at the same time, so current: the prejudice and discrimination of black people; as well as the process of politicization and the selfaffirmation of black identity, constituting the participatory methodology as essential, bringing the possibility of thinking about the decolonial from the practical actions of the CCN-NC.


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Author Biography

Giselia Alves dos Santos

Mestra em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad de la Integracion de las Americas, Paraguai.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Giselia Alves dos.
MOVING PEDAGOGIES:: the participatory methodology of the Centro de Cultura Negra Negro Cosme (CCN NC) as a way to educate for resistance in the city of Imperatriz - MA
. Revista Humanidades & Educação, v. 5, n. 9, p. 54–67, 24 Apr. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


