Beginning Teachers: teaching challenges in basic education



beginning teacher, basic education, teaching challenges


This article presents a research section in which the focus is to show who the beginning teacher is who works in the Initial Years of Elementary School, in the public network of the municipality of Santa Maria - RS, and what their characteristics are based on the problematization of the theme through the political-methodological proposal of dialogic circles. Throughout the text, it is possible to explain how teachers learn to teach in the context of basic schools, as well as identifying the challenges and difficulties they encounter at school when they are starting their teaching career. The methodological approach chosen to be used in this study is the Investigative-self(trans)formative Dialogical Circles, which have the main contributions of Henz (2003, 2012, 2015, 2018); Josso (2004, 2010); Freire (1999, 2001, 2011); Freire and Shor (1986). As preliminary results, we highlight that, during the search for co-authors of the research, three hundred and seventy-five (375) Lattes CVs of teachers who work in the Initial Years of Elementary School were researched; of these, thirty-eight (38) are considered beginning teachers and only thirty-one (31) are working in the Santa Maria Municipal Network. Of the beginning teachers who are working in the municipality, only four (04) participated in the online meetings.



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Author Biographies

TRINDADE, Thais Pulgatti, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

He has a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2012). Postgraduate in the Specialization Course in Educational Management from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2015). Master in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2019). Degree in Special Education - degree from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2021); PhD in Education in progress (2020). From 2016 to 2018 she worked as an Early Childhood Educator at the Ipê Amarelo/UEIIA/UFSM Early Childhood Education Unit, working as a reference teacher in multi-age classes. In 2018 she worked as a 2nd year teacher in the initial years at the ICM network - Colégio Coração de Maria - Santa Maria. From 2019 to 2020 she worked as a 4th year teacher in the early years and from 2021 to 2022 she worked as a 3rd year teacher in the early years at the Riachuelo school - Santa Maria. Since 2022, she has worked as an Early Childhood Education teacher at EMEI Ignez Sofia de Vargas in the municipality of São Maritinho da Serra. Member of the Research Group on Teacher Training and Educational Practices: basic and higher education - GPFOPE, since 2011, registered with CNPq and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Doris Pires Vargas Bolzan. Researcher of the Research Project: Teacher Learning and Training Processes: constructive movements of teaching in basic and higher education; of the Research Project: Teaching Learning: training processes for higher education students and trainers; and the Written Culture Project: Methodological Innovations at School. He also participates in the Research Project Innovative perspectives on teaching initiation: experiences of graduates of the Pedagogy course, since 2015, registered with the CNPQ and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ana Carla Hollweg Powaczuk. Dedicated to studies and research in the areas of Teacher Training (initial and continuing), Teaching Learning and Literacy.

HENZ, Celso Ilgo, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

He has a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy Sciences and Letters Dom Bosco (1990), a Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1995), a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2003) and a Post-Doctorate from the University of Seville Seville/Spain (2017). He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria and a researcher at PPGE, in the Research Line: Training, Knowledge and Professional Development and at PPPG, in the Research Line: Pedagogical Management and Educational Contexts. He is leader of the Study and Research Group "DIALOGUS: Education, Self(trans)formation and humanization with Paulo Freire", registered with the CNPq database. Coordinator of the Research Project "Investigative-formative Dialogical Circles", which aims at permanent self-(trans)formation research with Basic Education teachers, and of the Extension Project "Story Time: reading the word and self(trans)forming realities ", seeking to stimulate a taste for reading, imagination, creativity and criticality. He has participated in the organization of the Paulo Freire Reading Forums, in RS, since 1999. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Education, working mainly on the following themes: permanent self(trans)formation with teachers, humanizing education, citizenship, reading world-reading of the word and Paulo Freire. She works with lectures at seminars and conferences and continuing/permanent training projects for teachers in Basic Education and Higher Education.


BOLZAN, Doris Pires Vargas, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

Pedagogue from UFRGS (1986), Specialist in Therapeutic Psychopedagogy from the Center for Medical and Psychopedagogical Studies of Porto Alegre (1989), Master's Degree in Education (1995) and Doctorate in Education (2001) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Productivity Scholarship Holder in Research from CNPq. She was a professor at the College of Application at UFRGS (1982-1993), working as a literacy teacher and Pedagogical Coordinator of the Initial Years of Elementary School. She was temporarily assigned to the Child Development Center-NDI at CE/UFSM and was a collaborating professor at the Department of Teaching Methodology from December 1993 to May 1996, when she took over as a permanent professor in the same department. Professor of the Postgraduate Programs in Education (since 2003) and Public Policy and Educational Management (since 2015). Substitute coordinator of the PPG in Education at CE/UFSM, from 2005 to 2007. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Education/Master's and Doctorate, from 2007-2009, having implemented the Doctorate Course. Pro-tempore substitute coordinator of PPGE, from 01 to 07/2014; member of the PPGE board 09/2005 to 06/2014, 04/2017 to /042021. Represented the Education Center on the Editorial Board of the University Press (05/2010 to 07/2014). Member of the advisory board of several Brazilian and international journals, as well as an ad hoc reviewer. Chief Editor of POLED Magazine from 09/2014 to 09/2018. Editor-in-chief of Revista Educação(UFSM) from 05/2014 to 01/2017, Editor of a section in the magazine Educação(UFSM (2017a 2021). She is on the editorial committee of POLED magazine. Represented UFSM as President of the Municipal Education Council of Santa Maria/RS from 06/2015 to 06/2016. He was a member of the Municipal Education Council from 2009 to 2012 and 2014 to 2017. Represents UFSM, since 2012, in the Educational Policies and Language Policies-NEPI/AUGM programs. and coordinated these programs from 09/2014 to 09/2018; current coordinator of the Integration Education Center (management 2023 to 2025). Works in the Teaching, Knowledge and Professional Development research line. Permanent member of the UFSM Institutional Scientific Initiation Committee (2010 to 2021) and area representative on this same committee. President of the Teaching, Research and Extension Committee of the UFSM Education Center from 2010 to 2014. Member of the Teaching Nucleus structuring the daytime Pedagogy Course from 2011 to 2015. Member of the Pedagogy Course Board from 2000 to 2004 and 2014 to 2015 . Trainer of the National Pact for literacy at the Right Age, providing pedagogical advice to municipal and state education networks regarding reading and writing in the school context (2013-2015). Study themes: permanent teacher training, teacher learning, shared pedagogical knowledge, reading and writing at different levels of education, written culture in childhood and EJA, literacy, university pedagogy, emerging contexts in basic and higher education, educational management, vulnerabilities in school and teaching among the main themes in the field of teaching training. Leader of the Research Group on Teacher Training and Educational Practices: basic and higher education (GPFOPE 2002) and deputy leader of the Research Group on Teaching Practices and Training: basic and higher education (GPDOC-2015). Member of the Southern Brazilian Network of Higher Education Researchers (RIES - since 2005), Associated with ANPED Nacional, member of the Brazilian Literacy Association (ABALF), member of the Literacy Laboratory Network - (ALFALabs), associated with LASA-Latin American Studies Association. Linked to ILADEI- Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios para la Infância, member of AIDU-International Association of University Teaching, participant of FORGES (Portugal) (since 2014).


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How to Cite

Beginning Teachers: teaching challenges in basic education
. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 18 Dec. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.


