a study from linguistic skills listening and speaking
school education, pedagogical practices, collaborative and communicative approaches, ability skills listening and speaking, english language, historical-cultural psychologyAbstract
This article was produced from the conclusion of the Master’s research through the Postgraduate Program in School Education (PPGEEProf), Professional Master’s and Doctorate. The research which, we carry out from the following question: Is it possible that listening and speaking linguistic skills are driving in the teaching-learning process of English in public schools? Starting from this questioning we have the objective of analyzing the potential of oral comprehension and production skills, as protagonist language skills to teach and learn English in public schools from the theoretical foundations of historical-cultural psychology (VIGOTSKY, 1998), from the collaborative approach (FIGUEIREDO, 2006) and communicative (ALMEIDA FILHO, 2013). To achieve the objectives, chose a qualitative approach and action research. As instruments for data recording and collection, logbooks, video and audio recordings and unstructured and participant observation were used. The 9th grade of elementary school was the target audience. The results indicate to the relevance of the linguistic skills listening and speaking as essential methodological tools for teaching English in public schools, capable of improving teaching and learning, transforming teaching practice. It concluded that interactive dialogues enabled significant professional growth, both for the participants and the researcher.
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