the production of an educational experience
Mandatory curricular internship, School management, Learning, Educational ExperiencesAbstract
The present report brings a powerful educational experience through the completion of the Compulsory Curricular Internship in School Management, promoted by a graduation course in Pedagogy from a Federal Institution in the South of Brazil. After a survey carried out with the teachers of the public school where the internship took place, the demand for an internship project about learning was verified, which is one of the central themes of current education, including the Common National Curricular Base (2018). The actions were based on the development of a fiveweek inservice training program for the thirtytwo teachers at the school, who work in kindergarten and elementary school. The promoted activities took place weekly and relied on different pedagogical strategies to reach and mobilize teachers, such as the creation of an Instagram profile (@aprendiz.agem), weekly coffees with teachers, and a final feedback meeting to deliver the developed educational product: a workbook that compiled all the content provided in the formational journey. As final considerations, we point out that the School Management field is very challenging, however, the insertion in this scenario during the initial formation allows the students a differentiated formative itinerary, rich with experiences and possibilities, which brings an atmosphere of renewal for the school teachers while promotes to the trainees what we defend as cotraining that produces a powerful educational experience.
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