Philosophical and historical constructions about knowledge, science and education:

rapprochements between Immanuel Kant and Thomas Kuhn




knowledge, science and education, paradigmatic changes, Kant and Kuhn


This work addresses the reflections of Inmanuel Kant and Thomas Kuhn on knowledge in terms of origin, possibilities and limitations, without losing sight of the historical context, nor the influence that these theoretical reflections have had on contemporary thought. It is analyzed from Kuhn, how this knowledge has been worked on in the scientific field and the multiple situations that gave rise to reflections on normal science and scientific paradigms from an emantestist and historical perspective. Transita-se pelas concepções existentes no ato de educar, implícitas no pensamento pedagógico kantiano e de como a concepção kuhniana de paradigma se entrecruza, ainda que contraditoriamente na sua aparência imediata, com este paradigma pedagógico idealista.


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Author Biography

Samuel Luis Velázquez Castellanos, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Graduated in Arts from the Instituto Superior de Artes de Havana - ISA (1996) and in Philosophy from the University of Habana (1996). Master in Education from the Federal University of Maranhão (2007) and PhD in School Education from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Campus Araraquara (2012). Post-Doctorate in Education from the Center d´Histoire Culturalle des Sociétés Contemporaines at the Université de Versailles- France (2014-2015). Post-Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (2018-2019). Associate Professor III of the Department of Education I of the Federal University of Maranhão. Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Programs in Education: (PPGE) and Basic Education Teaching (PPGEEB) at UFMA and PPGEd at UFPA. Collaborating Professor of the Member of the Association for Research on Brazil in Europe (ARBRE) and the Association pour le Développement de l´Histoire Culturelle (ADHC). He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on History of Education, working mainly on the following themes: History of Education, History of Maranhão, History of Books and Reading and School Material Culture. FAPEMA Productivity Scholarship


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How to Cite

CASTELLANOS, Samuel Luis Velázquez.
Philosophical and historical constructions about knowledge, science and education: : rapprochements between Immanuel Kant and Thomas Kuhn
. Cadernos de Pesquisa, p. 1–27, 28 Jun. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.




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