time; temporality; linguistic time; eternityAbstract
This article deals with time and temporality in Clarice Lispector's chronicle Fear of Eternity, which are interwoven to mark the successiveness of events. We will show that they reveal the moment of occurrence of facts not only through verbal endings, but also through other elements that mark circumstances, moments and pass through privileged places, including the metaphorical notions of life and conceptions, which, in the aforementioned narrative, are represented by a chewing gum. Therefore, the perception of time goes further, reaching a temporal dimension measured by memories, feelings, absences, behaviors, actions, words and speech. We are thus presenting an excerpt from our Master's research in progress, in which we aim to develop a work that reveals time, verbal time and temporality based on what literary texts propose, spaces that enable language to play, in which time, which transcends the verb, is explored. Thus, for methodological purposes, an analysis will be carried out on the aforementioned chronicle, which will not be exhausted here, but will delve into the forms of expression of time, with a view to temporality. In this vein, we intend to present some nuances about this delineator, shaper, controller and specifier of the moment of facts from the aforementioned chronicle Fear of Eternity by Clarice Lispector, published in 1970. From this perspective, we will look at time according to Paul Ricoeur (1994, 2010) and the other theorists: Benveniste (2006), Ilari (2014), Terra (2015), Todorov (2014).
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