rgumentation in the teaching and learning of basic mathematics:

a meta-research





argumentation, learning, basic mathematics


This investigation aimed to analyze research addressing the practice of argumentation in basic
schools, published between 2014 and 2018 in Brazil, collected in the catalog of theses and dissertations of
the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, to synthesize ideas, investigate contributions, classify, find similarities and divergences between studies. This qualitative research follows the guidelines for reading, analyzing, and interpreting texts based on meta-analysis, focusing on the abstracts found. The results indicate two trends of approach: relating argumentation to the formal thought of mathematics and argumentation as a diffuser of communication in the classroom, without necessarily having the formal discourse of mathematics as its end. In addition, the needs for more studies on the argumentation approach in mathematics teaching and learning. 


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How to Cite

MELLO, Addelia Elizabeth Neyrão de; NUNES, José Messildo Viana.
rgumentation in the teaching and learning of basic mathematics:: a meta-research
. Cadernos de Pesquisa, p. 1–28, 28 Jun. 2024 Disponível em: http://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/cadernosdepesquisa/article/view/13394. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


