Memory in frame: the remembrance in times of web




Memory, communication, young people, social networks.


The related processes to the insertion of the individual on the web and social networks has contributed to building ways of relationship of people and society. There are many relevant aspects to be studied, among them the memory. The main goal of this study is try to understand how memory is configured among young people in the universe of web. In the development, the qualitative methodology was used, applying interviews with university students in Joinville/SC. Between a conversation and another, it is noticed that the young person sees in the web environment, memory possibilities, whether they are intended for personal files or for work and activities of their daily life, in the university itself or in the workplace.


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Author Biographies

Silvio Simão de Matos, University of the Region of Joinville

PhD in Communication and Culture by the School of Communication at UFRJ. Master in Administration (PUCPR). Graduation in Social Communication - Journalism (Famecos / PUCRS). University publisher coordinator Univille (University of the Region of Joinville). Coordinator at PIP in Communication (Research Incentive Program) Univille. Undergraduate and graduate professor - specialization, at Univille.

Wilson Oliveira Neto, University of the Region of Joinville

PhD in Communication and Culture by the School of Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Adjunct professor at Univille.



How to Cite

MATOS, Silvio Simão de; OLIVEIRA NETO, Wilson.
Memory in frame: the remembrance in times of web
. Cambiassu: Estudos em Comunicação, v. 16, n. 27, p. 182–199, 25 Jun. 2021 Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


