audiobook, performance, lector, semiotic, intermidiality, Intermedial studiesAbstract
Narrator, announcer, actor, reader, or lector: in the context of audiobooks, these are some of the main terms used to define the voice agent responsible for performing the reading aloud of a text in this media type. In light of this scenario, this article seeks to define which, among this list, best fits conceptually with this entity, as well as establish the different types of vocal performances that can be perceived in audio media products. Being an integral part of a larger Doctoral research project that focuses precisely on audiobooks from the perspective of Intermediality Studies through the theory proposed by Lars Elleström (2021), along with other authors with complementary propositions, this article presents, at first, the relationships between the human body as a technical medium of display. Then, we argue why the term "lector" is, among the possibilities, the one that best defines the voice agent. From there, we expand this nomenclature to three types of lectors that can be found in audiobook products, based on Peircean semiotics, which we denominate as symbolic lector, iconic lector, and indexical lector. Finally, we present the conclusions reached through this study and the possibilities for further developments.
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