exploring the Dynamics and Implications of Hedge Funds in the Financial Landscape





Hedge fund, Sociology of finance, History of brazilian finance


The objective of this article is to provide a historical contextualization of the emergence and institutionalization of a financial investment structure called hedge funds. Incipient, even in the debate of international sociology of finance, this object is, in practical terms, the representation and consolidation of what is considered one of the forefronts of investment and risk. The article consists of two sections. The first section presents the context and emergence of hedge funds in the United States and how it was adapted to the Brazilian context. The second section, based on the analysis of normative devices, presents the distinctive dimensions in relation to traditional investment funds. Through documentary research, particularly manuals, regulations, and legislation from the United States and Brazil regarding hedge funds, as well as specialized media sources (Valor, The Economist, Time), and in-depth interviews with market operators in Brazil, the unique dimensions of hedge funds were traced, mapped, and evaluated. These dimensions include freedom, transparency, objectivity, and low tolerance for losses. The article contributes to the understanding of the operational dynamics of hedge funds, their key dimensions, and helps disseminate a distinct ethos within the Brazilian financial space.


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina Bichoffe, Unesp - Franca

Graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Mestre e Doutora em Ciência Política pela UFSCar. Pesquisadora sênior associada ao Núcleo de Estudos em Sociologia Econômica e das Finanças (NESEFI – UFSCar); pesquisadora vinculada ao RESOA - Rede de Estudos Socioeconômicos e Organizacionais da Amazônia.


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How to Cite

BICHOFFE, Ana Carolina.
UNRAVELING THE COMPLEXITY: exploring the Dynamics and Implications of Hedge Funds in the Financial Landscape
. Infinitum: Revista Multidisciplinar , v. 6, n. 10, p. 3–23, 19 Oct. 2023 Disponível em: https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/infinitum/article/view/21778. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


