The interaction between Philosophy and Literature in the eighteenth Century: the case of Jean-Jacques Rousseau



Rousseau, Philosophy, Interdisciplinarity, Literature, Romance


This article investigates the interaction between Philosophy and Literature during the 18th century, highlighting the role of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in this context. In the Enlightenment period, the relationship between philosophical thought and literary expression presented complex nuances, reflecting significant social and cultural debates and transformations. Initially, the ambiguity of the relationship between Philosophy and Literature in the Enlightenment is discussed, highlighting the absence of precise boundaries between these fields. While some philosophers ventured into different literary genres, such as the novel, others saw literature as a potential threat to morality and reason. Jean-Jacques Rousseau emerges as a central figure in this scenario, standing out for his blunt criticisms of the society of his time and the social structure propagated by the Enlightenment. Although he harshly criticized the novel, Rousseau paradoxically ended up writing one, challenging his own convictions and contributing to the literary revolution of the period. Rousseau, through his works and reflections on human nature, society and education, indirectly influenced the emergence and consolidation of the novel as a legitimate and expressive literary genre. His autobiographical writings and his epistolary works, such as Júlia or A Nova Heloísa, reveal his emphasis on sensitivity and nature as essential foundations for a moral and balanced life. Through a literature review, this article traces a brief path from Rousseau's criticisms of his contemporaries to the writing of his epistolary novel, highlighting his contribution to the interaction between Philosophy and Literature in the 18th century and his lasting impact on thought and in Western culture.


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Author Biographies

Leonice da Conceição Pinheiro Silva, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA

Mestra em Cultura e Sociedade pela UFMA

Luis Carlos Serra Amorim Filho, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA

Mestrando em Cultura e Sociedade pela UFMA.

Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA

Doutor em Filosofia e Professor da UFMA.

Zilmara de Jesus Viana de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA

Doutora em Filosofia e professora da UFMA.


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