the compass of pain in Sinfonia em Branco by Adriana Lisboa




Female characters, Gender violence, Transgression, Contemporary novel


In the construction process of the character of a novel it is important to observe the status of this character in the definition of the narrative structure. Given their main traits, the characters are articulated like puzzles and their revelations, instead of calming the reader down, generate tensions, without which art would not survive. In this paper silence and interdict are categories the narrator uses to allow the readers to see what is left of two female characters that have a family history as a starting point. The variation in the point of view, filtered by a patriarchal domination model, makes the novel Sinfonia em Branco by Adriana Lisboa a narrative in which the feminine equals transgression, even without Manichaeism. and the author's poetic texture transfigures a profound and unspeakable pain into aesthetic delicacy.


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Author Biography

Angélica Catiane da Silva de Freitas, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)

Doutora em Letras, Estudos Literários, pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Mestre em Estudos de Linguagens, Teoria Literária e Estudos Comparados, pela UFMS

Graduada em Letras, Português/ Inglês, pela UFMS.


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How to Cite

FREITAS, Angélica Catiane da Silva de.
IN THE PLOTS OF DELICACY: the compass of pain in Sinfonia em Branco by Adriana Lisboa
. Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguística, p. 46–62, 28 Feb. 2022 Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Estudos Literários