URBAN PLANNING AND CHAOS IN PERIPHERAL BRASIL: truncated Participation, Privatized Space, Fiscal Crisis in São Luis, Maranhão


  • Frederico Lago Burnett UEMA
  • José Guilherme Zagallo OAB
  • Luiz Eduardo Neves dos Santos UFMA




Urban planning, Periphery, Private Capital, Fiscal Crisis, São Luis


This text analyzes the revision process of the São Luis, Maranhão Master Plan, which, approved in 2006 with the support of popular movements, is now at a time of social demobilization to express private capital interests in alliance with the state and
municipal public authorities. Aiming to expand the international insertion of Maranhão, the proposal expands the urban perimeter as a strategy for millionaire businesses in a context of public fiscal crisis, threatening traditional rural communities
and environmental resources under state and federal protection. After analyzing the process in the City Council and in Public Hearings, the text exposes the history of the master plan in São Luis, responsible for unequal urban structure of the city and notes the socio-environmental consequences of the current proposal, far beyond the control of outdated technical capacity and critical financial situation of municipal management.


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How to Cite

BURNETT, Frederico Lago; ZAGALLO, José Guilherme; SANTOS, Luiz Eduardo Neves dos.
URBAN PLANNING AND CHAOS IN PERIPHERAL BRASIL: truncated Participation, Privatized Space, Fiscal Crisis in São Luis, Maranhão
. Revista de Políticas Públicas, v. 24, p. 556–576, 16 Sep. 2020 Disponível em: https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/rppublica/article/view/15163. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.