Technologies And Teaching Knowledge In Digital Culture: the Possibilities Of Tpack For Teacher Training
Digital Technologies, Teacher training, TPACK, Digital Culture, Teaching Knowledge, Digital competenceAbstract
This article considers contemporary times as a reference for reflecting on the demands for initial and continued teacher training in the face of the demands of 21st century society, with regard to the use of digital technologies in education. The study seeks to analyze teacher training in the context of digital culture, focusing on possible pedagogical learning using TPACK as a reference. It examines the essential aspects of teacher training based on teaching knowledge and the development of the digital skills required by digital culture. This is a qualitative, bibliographical research project that exposes the needs presented to practicing teachers in contemporary education and stresses TPACK as a possibility for the development of competencies inherent in the pedagogical experience with the digital, based on the training demands set out by Pimenta, Shulman, Tardif, Mishra and Koeler. We propose a TPACK framework as a possibility for training in digital culture.
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