Social inclusion

Communitas at the center of community development


  • José Ribamar ESECS-Politécnico de Leiria
  • Jenny Sousa ESECS - Politécnico de Leiria



Social Inclusion., Community., Community Development., Sense of belonging.


Social inclusion implies humanising the development, increasing social cohesion and creat-ing bonds between people and groups. When the community feels that it has rights and po-tential, it activates participatory processes in the search for social transformation. The study presented here sought to understand how the Vale Domingos community perceives the im-portance of the Vale Domingos Botanical Park (VCDP) in increasing their sense of belong-ing to the community. It also aimed to understand what strategies allowed the mobilization and involvement of the local community, as well as understand how this community per-ceives the importance of the PBVD in building local identity and sense of belonging. As methodological strategy, we opted for a case study, based on the techniques of data collec-tion, questionnaire survey to the community and semi-structured interviews with key in-formants. The data found suggest that the PBVD assumes the central role in building the sense of belonging to the Vale Domingos community and it is recognised by people as a cru-cial element of social inclusion, citizenship and social transformation.


Author Biographies

José Ribamar, ESECS-Politécnico de Leiria

ESECS-Politécnico de Leiria

 Associação de Vale Domingos



Jenny Sousa, ESECS - Politécnico de Leiria



Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal



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How to Cite

Coelho, R., & Sousa, J. (2024). Social inclusion: Communitas at the center of community development. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Cultura E Sociedade, 36–53.

