Analysis of experiences carried out by students in a degree course as a space for the development of knowledge in the era of digital technologies by students
Teaching methodologies, Resources digitais, Technologies applied to education, Teacher training, Multi-spellsAbstract
It presents actions carried out in the course of a degree located in a northeastern state university and in a study group linked to graduation and post-graduation in education. It analyzes the relationship between theory and practice, based on the concepts of digital culture and literacy, media and multiliteracies, focusing on the use of educational technologies in teacher training. It uses expost facto methodology and documental analysis of the products made by students, with a view to identifying the educational potentialities in the use of technology in basic education. It analyzes that such experiences are relevant to training, with the protagonism, autonomy and participation of students being necessary knowledge in the creative and educational process. It concludes that digital experiences are necessary actions in the degree, as they resonate in the immersion of different people in the digital age.
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