TEACHING HISTORY AND DIGITAL ANIMATION: an experience report and a suggestion of methodological approach
Teaching History, Animations, Methodology, StoryboardAbstract
The current article proposes a theoretical-methodological debate about the use of animations for teaching history. After a bibliographical synthesis, it was discovered that it is a relatively new field in Brazil, since we could find signals of structural and formative fragilities for further developments; also, there were few initiatives of lifelong formation and resources to apply its premises broadly in schools. Nevertheless, dealing with concepts such as agency, representation and memory, the use of digital animation in classrooms looks like a good strategy as a significant learning experience for the school's students. Thus, in the last part of this article, we advanced to expose an experience report with teachers-students from the MA in Teaching History at University of Pernambuco who give lessons in public and private schools. First, they were introduced to how to create digital animations; and, in a further moment, despite the aforementioned broad limitations, it was possible to share some strategies to promote the integration of school students in the process of creating digital animations based on their school realities and their current researches.
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