
  • Carlos Alexandre Rodrigues Pereira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



traditional African systems of medicine, collective health, ancestry, traditional medicine, Brazilian culture of health care


In this essay, we seek to present the defense that health care is a human practice prior to the systematization of Western medicine and the professions in the field of Western health as we know it today and that, therefore, knowledge and care technology have been produced since the first (African) societies. Among modern African societies, existing at the time of enslavement and subsequent colonization of African territory, there were traditional systems of medicine specific to each culture. About some, little is known, due to the process of ethnocide and historical and scientific erasure suffered by African societies. However, due to the resistance of several practitioners, inside and outside the African continent, it was possible to preserve knowledge and technologies derived from some of these systems. In the case of the ethnic groups that arrived in Brazil, their knowledge contributed to the development of Brazilian culture, especially the culture of alternative and popular health care, as well as Brazilian phytotherapy. It is in this context that this essay refers, in an attempt to fuel the debate on the subject and encourage the construction of another narrative about Afro-Brazilian health care practices and about African societies and their inventiveness and sagacity.


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How to Cite

Pereira, C. A. R. (2023). AFRICAN TRADITIONAL SYSTEMS OF MEDICINE AND ITS LEGACY TO BRAZILIAN CULTURE. Kwanissa: Revista De Estudos Africanos E Afro-Brasileiros, 6(14), 254–275.