



Communication, Cultures, Individual and mass, Symbolic society, Political power


The study seeks to understand the transformations in the behavior of individuals in society from the point of view of communication, relating old systems and new spreading information systems. It makes a connection between the communicational processes and the conflicts of interest that demarcate contemporary societies. It problematizes the growing situations of erasure of the senses of truth and reality; the submission of large portions of the population to the denial of science and politics; the risks of weakening the foundations of the Democratic State of Law. It perceives the simultaneous coexistence of modern and primitive behaviors in the relationships of individuals and groups in their survival strategies, in their ways of producing knowledge and understanding political dynamics. The rise of fascism-inspired forces determined to establish control of public opinion is noted; still a predisposition of relevant population contingents to feel comfortable in the role of maneuver mass. It identifies this picture of deconstitution of modernity in Brazil, particularly in the period of the Bolsonaro government, characterized by the intense use of media discourses to generate disinformation, fear and violence. Qualitative analysis is carried out under the logic of the dialectical method and Critical Discourse Analysis, respecting the historicity of the object, based on analytical reasoning of information and concepts present in reference authors, in addition to objective data from social reality. The study expresses concern about the future of democracy as technology advances, in contradiction, it suggests a retraction of the potential of human intelligence.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, Jorge Arlan de Oliveira.
. Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguística, v. 8, n. 22, p. 208–228, 9 Jun. 2023 Disponível em: http://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/afluente/article/view/21535. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.