Gamification and Innovation in Programmer Learning: a proposal for a gamified platform for programming education


  • Marcus Vinicius Silva Costa UNDB
  • Maurício José Morais Costa Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB
  • João Batista Bottentuit Junior Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA



Gamification, Programming Education, Student Engagement, Interactive Learning, Technological Education



This study investigates the influence of gamification on the engagement and motivation of students in the INCODE Tech School project in tracking their programming studies through the proposal of a gamified trail-based learning platform. The methodology was based on applied and descriptive research, using a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data collection included a literature review, document analysis, and the application of questionnaires to students in the INCODE Tech School project. The qualitative analysis involved thematic categorization, segmenting responses into topics such as motivation, challenges in autonomous study, and the effectiveness of gamified elements. The results indicate that gamification, when well implemented, can significantly increase student engagement. However, its effective application requires a deep understanding of game mechanics and their impacts within the educational context. The study reinforces the importance of continually refining the platform to optimize its effectiveness in teaching environments.


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Author Biographies

Marcus Vinicius Silva Costa, UNDB

Engenheiro de Software e Desenvolvedor Front-End.

Maurício José Morais Costa, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Doutorando em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI/UFPB) e Mestre em Cultura e Sociedade. Docente do Centro Universitário UNDB.

João Batista Bottentuit Junior, Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA

Doutor em Tecnologias Educativas. Professor Associado III da Universidade Federal do Maranhão.


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How to Cite

Costa, M. V. S. ., Costa, M. J. M., & Bottentuit Junior, J. B. . (2024). Gamification and Innovation in Programmer Learning: a proposal for a gamified platform for programming education. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Cultura E Sociedade, 74–94.



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