Repensar o humano enquanto tal a partir de uma leitura hermenêutica da História do Pensamento Ocidental
Hermeneutic Phenomenology, History of Western Thought, Dasein, Heidegger, PhilosophyAbstract
The understanding of certain concepts, phenomena or ways of comprehension human existence, according to the path of science, tends to be rooted in a tradition that, failing to interrogate them and launch new looks at certain themes, ends up reproducing pre-notions that are not always conscious of its origins. The question of what human is it’s an example of this. Thinking about the Human Being may seem like something obvious, given or set, but precisely because of this evident clarity, a return and a re-reading are necessary. In this context, we emphasize hermeneutic phenomenology, as elaborated by Martin Heidegger in Being and Time (1927), as a way and how to dealing with rooted issues, seeking to establish a dialogue with tradition, not to describe what was said in a relativization in order to cancel them, but to learn, to dialogue with it in a way that address it to our horizon (ALVES; RABELO; SOUZA, 2014). The starting point is through the dialogue with Plato (1996; 1974), since his thought constitutes the beginning of the tradition of separation between body and soul, sensibility and reason. Then we are taken to Saint Augustine (416; 1990), a thinker who represents the link between Greek Antiquity and Christian Medieval times, appropriating pagan elements (neoplatonism) to support Catholic doctrine. Finally, our path ends when we confront the Cartesian theory (2005; 2005) in contrast to the Heideggerian critiques (1927; 2001) on the tradition and production of an ontology of a subject “without the world”.
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