Parole chiave:
spatial analysis, botany, Euphorbiaceae, Hippomaneae, northeast, taxonomyAbstract
Hippomanoide is one of the clades that emerged in the Euphorbioideae and comprises the Hureae, Pachystromateae and Hippomaneae tribes. Many species of the clade are recorded in eastern Brazil and seven of them are endemic to Bahia. The present work aimed to determine the geographic distribution, richness patterns, areas of endemism and conservation status of the endemic species of Hippomanoide in Bahia. For the analysis and preparation of the maps, the geographic coordinates obtained from the specimens in the virtual herbaria and specialized literature were used. Microstachys uleana is the species with the greatest range of distribution while Stillingia loranthacea, Microstachys revoluta, Ophthalmoblapton parviflorum and Sebastiania trinervia were the most restricted. The central region of Bahia emerged as the holder of the greatest species richness of the clade, and the one with the highest endemicity. However, this region is also the target of constant anthropogenic pressure. We conclude that, although two of the three endangered species have some protected populations in Conservation Units, we draw attention to the need for protective measures in the environments where the species of the Clade occur, especially because some of them are very restricted and even known only by type collection.
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