Best practices for developing effective communication campaigns to promote Support Technology Resource Centers


  • José Ribamar Universidade de Aveiro
  • OKSANA TYMOSCHUCK  Universidade de Aveiro
  • RITA OLIVEIRA  Universidade de Aveiro


Special Needs., Assistive Technology., Accessibility., Resource Center., Communication., Promotion.


The existence of Resources Centers for Assistive Technology (RCAT), which provide access to equipment and support services to the population with special needs, provides great opportunities to improve autonomy, independence, accessibility, communication, and, consequently, quality of life. To increase access and understanding of assistive technology, it is important to promote and publicize these centers effectively. In this sense, well-designed effective communication campaigns can allow more people to be aware of the existence of RCAT, their functions and benefits, allowing them to become fully involved in society. Based on a literature review, this exploratory study of a qualitative nature, identified strategies and best practices favorable to the creation of communication campaigns for RCAT, enabling their promotion and awareness. The main results show that the proper application of these practices is crucial to make these centers known and used by the community. The strategies identified relate to the planning, development, and implementation of these campaigns, allowing for guidance in the development of campaigns of this type. Thus, we conclude that it is important to promote RCAT, and that their proper dissemination is fundamental so that more people can have access to these services.


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Author Biographies

José Ribamar, Universidade de Aveiro

Departamento de Comunicação e Arte

 Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal


OKSANA TYMOSCHUCK,  Universidade de Aveiro

 Departamento de Comunicação e Arte

 Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal


RITA OLIVEIRA,  Universidade de Aveiro


Departamento de Comunicação e Arte

 Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal



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How to Cite

LOURENÇO, F. R. ., TYMOSCHUCK, O. ., & OLIVEIRA, R. . (2024). Best practices for developing effective communication campaigns to promote Support Technology Resource Centers. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Cultura E Sociedade, 54–76. Retrieved from

