Da gramática à gramaticalização
o ponto onde a Linguística toca a leitura do texto literário
Linguistics, Grammatization, Reading, LiteratureAbstract
The article aims to discuss the productivity of the relationship between Linguistics and Literature as guideline for the act of reading. In this discussion, it is emphasized that a relevant resource to read the literary text is the linguistic description of the moves, which presupposes grammar. Deepening cognition on the subject, finds grammaticalization as a point of articulation between linguistics and literature for the monitoring of the literary game movement. Supported by these concepts, the research puts strategies for reading in progress. In the reading universe, there are selections of linguistic phenomena which cannot be dissociated from the co-production of meaning to which every reader is subjected. Among these phenomena, we can highlight the importance of plays in a path of signals that lead to the understanding of the text. Having as a starting point this purpose, we follow the paths that lead us to the elements responsible for reading comprehension from the normativity of language to its malleability in the infinite possibilities that sustain in grammar and expand beyond it, in grammaticalization. We intend to consider the analysis of the grammaticalization process as an act of reading to produce the flexible vision of Portuguese grammar, especially for the moment in reading the literary text. We problematize: could then be grammaticalization one of the relevant consequences of this articulation between linguistics and literature? Among the authors listed for this discussion, we are taking into consideration Saussure (2012), Possenti (2002), Perini (1976, 2014), Martins (2012), Neves (2002, 2007), Jouve (2002). Among the data, the political pedagogical projects of the Course of Letters of UFMA 2009, from two records found in internet and fragments of literary texts.
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