

Nursing, Higher Education, Experiential Learning, Training Activities


Introduction: The hospital student practice assists in the development of professional skills. Objective: To report the experiences of nursing students in hospital practices. Methods: Experience report of the curricular component Semiology and Semiotechnology of Nursing in Hospital Care. The activities took place in September 2022, in the medical clinic of a teaching hospital in Petrolina-PE, with teaching supervision and support from student monitors. Results: There were: technical visit, procedures, Nursing History, presentation and discussion of clinical cases based on the Nursing Process using mind maps as a facilitator for learning. Conclusion: The student's theoretical and practical exercise is essential for professional training.


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How to Cite

Souza, A. C. A. de, Souza, A. C. A. de, Santos, A. C. T. das G. ., Dória, J. P. da S., & Mola, R. (2024). DIDACTIC-PEDAGOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING STUDENTS IN HOSPITAL HEALTH CARE. Revista De Pesquisa Em Saúde, 23(2). Retrieved from https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/revistahuufma/article/view/20464



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