The Pedagogical Practices of Portuguese Language Teachers in High School with the Argumentative Typology
Pedagogical Practices, Portuguese Language, Argumentative TypologyAbstract
The article aims to analyze the results of pedagogical practices with the argumentative typology by Portuguese language teachers who work in High School. The research is qualitative in nature and inspired by action research as a theoretical-methodological principle, based on the parameters established by Tripp (2005). The theoretical assumptions are based on Imbernón (2010); Nóvoa (1991); Marcuschi (2002, 2005); Koch (2000, 2004). The results indicate teachers' interest in different types of language use and strategies for teaching through argumentative texts. However, the data analyzed point to the participants' lack of knowledge regarding types of arguments, referential mechanisms and the use of connectors, as well as metacognitive and contextual strategies for reading and interpreting the text, essential for the student's argumentative ability.
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