Disqualification of the other and intertextual mobilizations in controversial interactions about the Bill (PL) 580/2007





Argumentation, Intertextuality, Public Controversy


The expansion of social networks and the discussions that unfold within them, arising from themes in the social sphere, have intensified the flow of discourses that intersect antagonistically in these networks. Therefore, this research aims to analyze, based on controversial interactions about PL 508/2007, how intertextual processes are mobilized in controversial interactions with the aim of disqualifying the other. The theoretical foundation uses studies on public controversy (AMOSSY, 2017), the classification of the ad hominem argument (FIORIN, 2015), the interface between Textual Linguistics and the Theory of Argumentation in Discourse (CAVALCANTE et al. 2020) and intertextuality with regard to strict and broad intertextual processes (CARVALHO,2018). To analyze the data, we selected a publication from the profile @ivetesangalo, in which the singer takes a position on the bill (PL) 580/2007. From this publication, we will analyze two controversial interactions carried out in the comments. The analysis revealed that intertextuality is mobilized in controversial interactions with the intention of disqualifying the other and continuing to link to new ideas and propagate themselves in virtual environments, with the argumentative proposal of defending the speaker's point of view.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Ozeias Evangelista de; MENDES, Jasmin Costa; SOUSA, Noemy Prazeres; ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, João da Silva.
Disqualification of the other and intertextual mobilizations in controversial interactions about the Bill (PL) 580/2007
. Littera: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, v. 15, n. 30, 26 Dec. 2024 Disponível em: https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/littera/article/view/23181. Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.

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