HUMAN RIGHTS AND ANTHROPOLOGY: Intercultural reflections in theory and practice
Anthropology, Human Rights, Interculturality, Universalism, RelativismAbstract
The characteristic of the universality of human rights, since the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, immediately after the Second World War up until the present time, has created numerous political and academic debates in various areas - the challenges and tensions that the universal proposal faces in the contact and interlocution between cultures, on the one hand, provide obstacles in inter-national dialogues, but, on the other hand, drive international human rights to overcome such tensions, every time humanity remains in danger of aggressions against the most elementary fundamental rights. The present article seeks to reflect on human rights and anthropology, based on interculturalidades: a) in the approach to topics intrinsic to human rights, reflecting on "universalism and relativism"; b) in the dialogue with anthropology, as an epistemological contribution, as a tool for interpreting a social reality; c) as well as in the production of knowledge, integrating theory and practice.
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