
  • Ariade Nazaré Fontes da Silva Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Catherine Rios Santos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr. Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Carmen Silvia Zickel Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco



Coastal ecosystem, shrub-tree plants, anthropization


The objective of this study was to analyze the structure and woody composition of the urban dune vegetation in Caolho beach, São Luís, Maranhão. The structural analysis of woody vegetation was carried out using the quadrant point method, totaling 50 points. Plants with a diameter at ground height ≥ 3cm were measured. The plants were collected, identified, herbalized and inserted into the MAR and PEUFR Herbarium. The structural parameters, the Shannon Index and Pielou Equability were analyzed. The structural analysis resulted in 35 species, 31 genera and 20 families. The families with the greatest richness were Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae, with four species each. The highest importance value was found in Attalea speciosa, Byrsonima crassifolia and Astrocaryum vulgare. The Shannon index was 2.36 nat.ind-1 and the equability was 0.66. The woody vegetation on Caolho beach is sparse, with low plants and thick stems. However, in dune areas, large diameters are related to tillered individuals due to the sum of their branches. Given the data presented, the importance of restoration and protection measures for urban dunes is emphasized so that the resilience process can guarantee the continuity of the area's ecological standards.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. N. F. da; Santos, C. R.; Almeida Jr., E. B. de; Zickel, C. S. STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION OF WOODY VEGETATION OF THE DUNES OF PRAIA DO CAOLHO, SÃO LUÍS, MARANHÃO STATE. Bol. Lab. Hidrobiol. 2024, 33.


