Temporalities and challenges of musealization of the military dictatorships of the Southern Cone from the analysis of the Museo de La Memoria y de Los Derechos Humanos



Museum of Memories, Chile, Dictatorship, Human rights, Duty of memory


This article presents some results of the doctoral thesis “Light and shadow: Memories and forgetfulness about the military dictatorship in Chile and Brazil (1990-2018), whose objective is to analyze the complexity of implementing and maintaining memorial museums and propose a reflection, from the case study of the Museo de La Memoria y de Los Derechos Humano on the potentialities and limits of the ethical-moral imperative of these institutions, which aims at education for human rights and the non-repetition of these crimes in the present.


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How to Cite

Fernanda Luiza Teixeira Lima. (2021). Temporalities and challenges of musealization of the military dictatorships of the Southern Cone from the analysis of the Museo de La Memoria y de Los Derechos Humanos. Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 22(42), 56–71. Retrieved from https://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/rbrascaribe/article/view/21726