Municipal public school of Parintis - AM: teaching and practice of literary reading in an 8th grade class of elementary school
Reading Practice, Elementary Education, Parintins, AmazonasAbstract
The literary universe is grand and vast, and it is evident that it cannot be fully presented in a few hours of class. However, the current educational system shows a noticeable lack of encouragement for reading. The time allocated to reading is minimal compared to the time dedicated to teaching grammar, and when literary texts are studied in the classroom, their role often focuses on teaching Portuguese grammar. In our article, we aim to address the reality of students growing up in a society with little encouragement for reading literary texts and less access to books, as evidenced by the low literacy rates in Brazil according to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2023. Our research is based on actionresearch and bibliographic studies with a qualitative approach and a dialectical focus, as we investigate a
social reality and the factors that influence it, analyzing reading encouragement practices in the classroom considering the new educational guidelines proposed by the BNCC (National Common Curricular Base) in a public elementary school in Parintins – AM. Our theoretical framework includes studies by Calvino (2002), Cosson (2014; 2020), Culler (1999), Freire (1989; 1992), Lajolo (2011), Todorov (2009), and Zilberman (1991). Thus, we will demonstrate that the classroom, the school, and the family can inspire children and adolescents to embrace reading, not merely as an educational requirement to distinguish students, but to highlight the benefits that the reading habit provides.
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