Black female empowerment


  • Kelly Almeida de Oliveira
  • Maria Nayara Oliveira Torres



Black empowerment, black feminism, digital influencer


The feminist movement is constituted from the search for women to acquire rights such as voting, work and education. Initially, the feminist movement did not consider racial-ethical issues. In this sense, Sojourner Truth's speech was of great importance to the black feminist movement. The feminist movement reached the network through websites, blogs, YouTube channels, profiles on social networks, both personal profiles of feminists and feminist content profiles. In this way, we aim to analyze how the presence of black feminist women digital influencers has favored the deconstruction of stereotypes created about the movement, as well as to identify whether it represents a stimulus to the construction of identity and appreciation of black women and to discuss how black digital influencers face the criticism and combat racism on the web. The work is a bibliographical, qualitative and descriptive research. Djamila Ribeiro, Taís Araújo, Nátaly Neri and Gabi Oliveira were victims of racist attacks on social media. From the comments of followers and other internet users, it is possible to observe how black and feminist digital influencers use their voice on the internet to discuss issues about ethnicity and gender, which has generated identification and support among women in these social networks.       


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How to Cite

Oliveira , K. A. de ., & Torres, M. N. O. (2022). BLACK FEMINISTS DIGITAL INFLUENCERS: Black female empowerment . Kwanissa: Revista De Estudos Africanos E Afro-Brasileiros, 5(13), 238–249.