Rousseau: the generalization of interest and will
Rousseau, Generalization, Will, InterestAbstract
The theme developed in this article deals with the generalization of will and interest, showing the importance of the anthropological basis for the formation of the well-understood interest of the citizen. The analysis of the discussion between Rousseau and Diderot in the Geneva Manuscript was the starting point for the reflections presented here, leading to the perception that Rousseau links the ability to generalize ideas with the individual's ability to separate from himself. Without this, the individual would not be able to “consider the species” and take on the duties that engagement requires. This means that “separation from oneself” implies learning, an education for this condition. This is precisely what the “homme indépendent” can't do straight away; it would be necessary to make him see how his personal interest would require him to submit to the general will.
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