A Liberdade dos Naturais desta Província

aspectos sobre a mobilidade espacial e o trabalho indígena na fronteira platina de princípios do século XIX


  • Karina Moreira Ribeiro da Silva e Melo UPE


recrutamento, liberdade, guaranis


During the first years of the 19th century, border defense and expansion projects developed by government agents and individuals marked the limits between the vice-kingdom of Brazil and provincial provinces. Different authorities affirm and disagree on plans that one of the main quests in the game was the political reorganization of bordering spaces, closely linked to the need to define aspects of the freedom of guaranis and the destiny of their lands and bens. In the past few years, debates and recruitment practices included testimonies about the inability of indigenous people to work, even when the conduct of military expeditions depended on two knowledges about the territory and the management of cattle and horse herds. The analysis of the sources, however, allows us to give visibility to the varied practices of sociability experienced by them in the context of disputes over human and natural resources.


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How to Cite

Moreira Ribeiro da Silva e Melo, K. (2024). A Liberdade dos Naturais desta Província: aspectos sobre a mobilidade espacial e o trabalho indígena na fronteira platina de princípios do século XIX. Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 24(47), 83–102. Retrieved from http://periodicoseletronicos.ufma.br/index.php/rbrascaribe/article/view/22722