


educação de jovens e adultos, lei 10.639/2003, currículo, identidade


This research has as main objective to propose the debate of the racial question in the EJA - Education of Youths and Adults, through the articulation of Law 10.639/2003 and the school curriculum, in the construction of the black identity. The aforementioned Law introduces the mandatory theme "African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture" in the basic education curriculum. The theoretical framework of this bibliographic research - will involve: the history of EJA (VENTURA 2011; GOMES, 2017; GONÇALVES E SILVA, 2000) and the importance of discussing racial ethnic relations in EJA curricula with Law 10.639/2003 (HALL, 2006; GOMES, 2007; GOMES, 2012; PASSOS E SANTOS, 2018; MORAES, MOREIRA E SANTANA, 2011; VENTURA E OLIVEIRA, 2020; and others). The articulation of these themes will be done revealing the importance of the curricular change in the EJA in favor of the construction of the black identity. As a result, there was an urgent need to broaden the debate on the school curriculum and, above all, to make the racial issue a guideline, taking into account that, in the case of EJA, a high percentage of black students is registered. In addition to this result, the importance of using Law 10.639/2003 as a guide to establish the decolonization of the school curriculum is emphasized.)

Keywords: Youth and adult education; Law 10.639/2003; Resume; Identity; Ethnic-racial relations.


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Author Biography

Fiama Ribeiro dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Fiama Ribeiro dos Santos. Licenciada em História pela UFRRJ. Especialista em Educação de Jovens e Adultos pelo IFRJ - Campus Nilópolis. Mestranda em História pela UFOP. Filiada ao grupo Impérios e Lugares no Brasil (ILB).


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How to Cite

Santos, F. R. dos . (2022). THE CONSTRUCTION OF BLACK IDENTITY THROUGH LAW 10.639/2003: EJA students in debate. Kwanissa: Revista De Estudos Africanos E Afro-Brasileiros, 5(12).


