What remains of the Lights?
Jean-Marie Goulemot, The Lights, Continuity, DiscontinuityAbstract
The purpose of this text is to follow the reflection of an eighteenth-century scholar – a dexuimiste – Jean-Marie Goulemot, in his book Adieu les philosophes. Que reste-t-il des Lumières?, among the various books he dedicated to the thought of the Enlightenment and curiously written for a collection whose title is provocative to say the least – L'avenir du passé (Seuil, 2001). In it, the author proposes to highlight the contradictions and ambiguities of the Enlightenment without being circumscribed to the temporal limit of the period so called, that is, in the words of the author, “from this present that is mine, from my enthusiasms, my refusals, my experiences” (Goulemot, 2001, p. 206).
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