The anti-modern against the Enlightenment: Anti-Enlightenment in the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno
Antimodern, Miguel de Unamuno, Anti-Enlightenment, ModernityAbstract
This work revolves around the search for an understanding of the antimodern ideology in Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) by analyzing his philosophical (1950, 2005) and literary (1994) texts, anchoring us in Compagnon's hermeneutic proposal in The Antimoderns (2014). In the works of the Spanish intellectual, we see a negative articulation with the ideals of modernity in both the epistemological and aesthetic aspects, proposing instead an anti-rationality that disdains the rationalist thinking of the Enlightenment and its legacy, which flows into currents such as Positivism or Kantism. This qualitative bibliographical research allows us to observe Unamuno's incisive voice on modern idiosyncrasy, which is portrayed in his essays and novels as the visceral cause of the decadence of the present time. For this reason, he points humanity in the direction of an antimodern epistemological deviation.
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