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The Journal of Geospatial Modelling does not charge for processing or submission of articles.
All manuscripts published in the Journal of Geospatial Modeling must be submitted in English.
This Journal publishes articles, scientific notes or short communications and review papers under request. The content of manuscript submitted to Journal of Geospatial Modelling is exclusive responsibility of author (s).
The papers submitted to the analysis of the Editorial Committee, after registration, are directed to an Associate-Editor to indicate two specialist reviewers in the area of knowledge of the paper. The opinions emitted by those reviewers are analyzed by the Associate-Editor who emits the conclusive opinion on behalf of the Editorial Committee.
The articles must contain a maximum of 5 authors, and in exceptional cases works with 8 authors are accepted provided that the contribution to the development of the article is justified.
Please read the checklist carefully before submitting your manuscript.
Articles and reviews should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages (A4 paper with margins of 3 cm, font Times New Roman size 12, pages and lines numbered sequentially), including tables and figures. The Research Notes should not exceed 10 pages, including tables and figures. The text should be typed into the Word (Microsoft) program and double-spaced. The main divisions of the text:
- Author (s) and affiliation
- Abstract (English and Portuguese or Spanish ) and keywords (3 to 6 terms)
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Scientific notes do not have divisions.
It is recommended that 70% of referrals refer to the last 5 years.
References and citations in the Journal of Geospatial Modelling articles should be formatted in the 'author, year' or 'name (year)' style. Remember to ensure that text citations match the list of references. Examples:
1. Single author: Montanari (2016) or (Montanari, 2016).
2. Two authors: Vieira and Siqueira (2016) or (Vieira and Siqueira, 2016).
3. Three or more authors: Souza et al. (2009) or (Souza et al., 2009).
4. Arrange references alphabetically and chronologically within brackets, and use semicolons (;) to separate multiple citations within brackets, e.g.: (Adans, 2014; Guedes Filho, 2015; Zucarelli and McBratney, 2016).
5. Order multiple citations 'same author-same date' with the aid of lower case letters, e.g.: (Montanari, 2016a, b).
6. Use the "author-year" style to format the list of references, and: (i) do not abbreviate any other words apart from the first and middle names of authors; (ii) use all capitals only for acronyms, i.e., when the author is an organization; (iii) name all authors and capitalize authors' last name and initials, which should be separated by a period (.); (iv) separate authors by semicolon; (v) do not use ampersands (&) in the citations nor in the reference list; (vi) do not use bold characters to highlight any part of the reference; (vii) capitalize books and periodical titles; (viii) do not use a comma (,) to separate the title and volume of a periodical; (ix) separate the periodical volume from the page numbers with a colon (:); (x) use full page numbering; (xi) separate page numbers with a dash (-); (xii) separate page groups by a comma if the article was published in discontinuous pages; (xiii) indicate the number of a given edition of a book or manual, e.g., "2ed"; (xiv) for books and manuals, indicate the publisher or editorial office before the main locality of the publisher or editorial office; (xv) separate publishers or editorial offices from locality with a comma; and (xvi) in such cases, name city, state and/or province and country.
6.1 Scientific journals
Siqueira, G.M.; Dafonte, J.D.; González, A.P.; Vázquez, E.V.; Armesto, M.V; Guedes Filho, O. 2016. Spatial soil sampling design using apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements. Bragantia, v. 75, n. 4, p. 459-473.
6.2 Books and book chapters
Siqueira, G.M.; Silva, R.A.; Costa, M.K.L. eds. 2016. Geotecnologias, agricultura de precisão e manejo dos recursos naturais. EDUFMA, São Luís, MA, Brazil.
Jesus, V.C.; Barreto, H.N. 2016. O uso das geotecnologias no estudo de bacias urbanas: o caso do Rio Urucutiua – MA. p. 165-172. In: Siqueira, G.M.; Silva, R.A.; Costa, M.K.L. eds. 2016. Geotecnologias, agricultura de precisão e manejo dos recursos naturais. EDUFMA, São Luís, MA, Brazil.