InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade <p><strong>PREZADOS(AS) AUTORES(AS), INFORMAMOS QUE, DEVIDO AO ELEVADO NÚMERO DE ARTIGOS EM AVALIAÇÃO, AS SUBMISSÕES EM FLUXO CONTÍNUO ESTARÃO SUSPENSAS ATÉ 30/04/2024, PARA ORGANIZAÇÃO DO FLUXO DE TRABALHO E ATUALIZAÇÃO DAS DIRETRIZES DO PERIÓDICO. </strong></p> <p>Publicação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (<a href="">PPGGEO</a>), do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Humanas/Geografia, do <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MEIO-NORTE</a> - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Geográficos e Interdisciplinares (Câmpus de Grajaú) e do Grupo de Pesquisa <a href="">T-DEGEM</a> - Território, Desenvolvimento, Gênero e Modernidade (Câmpus de Imperatriz), vinculados à <a href="">Universidade Federal do Maranhão</a>.</p> <p>A InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade atualmente adota a modalidade de publicação em fluxo contínuo, por meio de um volume anual.</p> <p>Missão: Divulgar a produção geográfica do Maranhão, de outros estados e do exterior, bem como publicar trabalhos nas áreas da História, Sociologia, Filosofia, Educação, Psicologia, Turismo, Ciências Ambientais e temáticas inter/multi/disciplinares.</p> <p>ISSN 2446-6549</p> <p><strong>Qualis/CAPES (2017-2020): A2 </strong></p> <p>A Revista InterEspaço possui o <em>Digital Object Identifier </em>(DOI).</p> pt-BR Direitos autorais InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade <br /><br /> <a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licença Creative Commons" /></a><br />Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional</a>. <br /><p>Os conteúdos publicados são de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade de seus autores, ainda que reservado aos editores o direito de proceder a ajustes textuais e de adequação às normas da publicação.</p> (InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade) (Marcos Nicolau Santos da Silva) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:10:16 -0300 OJS 60 PARA ALÉM DO 22 <p>A chamada para este dossiê teve como objetivo fomentar o debate acerca do processo de formação do Estado Imperial do Brasil, que não se encerra em 1822, mas que pode ser analisado a partir das especificidades das Províncias do Norte, envolvendo pesquisadores, docentes e discentes interessados nessa temática, como forma de incentivar investigações e colaborações acadêmicas no Maranhão e em outras regiões do Brasil e do exterior.</p> Edyene Moraes dos Santos; Johny Santana de Araújo; Roni César Andrade de Araújo Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 THE INDEPENDENCE OF MARANHÃO IN TEXTBOOKS: curriculum, historiography and teaching <p>The independence of Maranhão was linked to national history through nineteenth-century historiography as an act that confirmed the prior unity, an agreement in which the communion of interests prevailed against the "portuguese submission" and secured imperial unity. This idea became materialized in school culture, primarily through textbooks. Gradually, curriculum modifications attempted to reformulate these historical narratives by broadening the breadth of places and social actors. This article examines the eleven didactic collections approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (National Textbook Program, 2020) for the elementary school from a holistic approach. The power of nineteenth-century historiographical canons is revealed by content analysis, but with openness to new historiographical and social perspectives. In light of this, we hope to demonstrate that history class provides a rich forum for reflection on Maranhão's independence as a historical event marked by the complexities of the political culture encountered, the violence, and the dispute that mobilized subaltern populations in search of different ideals and political projects.</p> Raissa Gabrielle Vieira Cirino Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 PRINTED BATTLES <p>The independence of Brazil in Maranhão was marked by singularities, including a civil war caused by the delay in adhering to the new political order instituted with the political separation of the metropolis, led by the provinces of the south of the country.The war, however, did not only take place on the battlefields of the backlands of Maranhão, but was also fought through the narratives of the official press of the province, through the newspaper O Conciliador do Maranhão.This study analyzes the speeches conveyed in the local press in favor of the union with Portugal in the context of the struggles for Independence in Maranhão, addressing the representations about the expeditionary forces formed by the independentists and the clashes around the formation of a public opinion contrary to the incorporation of the province from Maranhão to the nascent Brazilian empire.</p> Elizabeth Sousa Abrantes , Yuri Givago Alhadef Sampaio Mateus Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 THE PROCESS OF POLITICAL EMANCIPATION AND THE IMPERIAL ORDER IN PIAUÍ <p>The article problematizes the historical process of post-emancipation politics in Piauí. We begin the analysis by characterizing the societal projects advocated by political groups operating in the province and the implications of constitutional definitions in Rio de Janeiro in the provincial power dynamics. Secondly, the focus of the argumentation revolves around the analysis of the adopted practices by the provincial power in Piauí, where we verify the effectiveness of the local governance in pacifying and maintaining social order in the province while facing difficulties in addressing issues related to the implementation of public policies aimed at planning and executing improvements in the economy and sociocultural aspects within the province. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges encountered by the local government in securing assistance from the imperial government regarding demands considered important for Piauí, which hindered the implementation of functional changes in the province.</p> Pedro Vilarinho Castelo Branco Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 BUILDING THE STATE, WEAVING THE PLACE OF POWERS <p>The article analyzes the demands originated in the provincial representation bodies in the post-Independence period forwarded to the Legislative Assembly of the Empire in order to provide elements for the analysis of the relationship between the center of power and the provinces in the First Reign. It addresses the importance of the regional issue in the process of political struggle that led Portuguese America to separate from Portugal (1820-1823) and the concerns related to the construction of instances and routines that would allow the exercise of regional power at some level or intensity. For this reflection, with specialized bibliographic support, the experience of the province of Sergipe is analyzed, its condition and the demands filed for analysis by the Legislative Assembly of the Empire. In the tension between expectations of centralization and decentralization and the observance of matters of absolutely local interest and others of national scope, it is clear that the arrangement found was halfway between the aspirations elaborated at the beginning of the debates that led to Independence, showing that many important decisions for the locality remained dependent on the decision of a higher instance and power in a centralized format.</p> Edna Maria Matos Antônio Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 REPUBLIC OF PASTOS BONS (1828) <p>This article proposes a critical approach to the traces of republicanism in the province of Maranhão, specifically in the hinterland of Pastos Bons, at the end of the first reign. To this end, it proposes a reflection on the conception of the hinterland and the articulation of this region with Lisbon/Rio de Janeiro, in times of political transition in the Luso-Brazilian world, which here especially comprise the contestatory movements of 1817 and 1824. Still on connected spaces, it explores the repercussion of the episodes of Pastos Bons in the press of São Luís and the Court; and, in parliament, the approximations of the movement with the mutiny of Afogados, which<br />occurred in Pernambuco shortly after. Among the various public documents used, it takes as a <br />guiding thread the booklet “Um processo de jornalismo à época da Independência”, published by<br />the National Archive in 1917, which exposes the animosities between the president of the province<br />of Maranhão, Manoel da Costa Pinto (1828-1829), and José Cândido de Moraes e Silva, editor of<br />the newspaper Farol Maranhense, background to the issues presented here.</p> Roni César Andrade de Araújo, Marcelo Cheche Galves Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 THE “FILHOS DA FOLHA” AT THE TIME OF INDEPENDENCE IN GOIÁS: the forgotten protagonism of poor brazilians <p>This article proposes to address the participation of the poor population of Goiás in the process of Brazil's independence, which were forgotten by official historical narratives. For this, it is intended to discuss the meanings attributed to the word popular, through the analysis of the dictionaries of the time, and to identify, in the official correspondence of the leaders of Goiás, the presence of indigenous, brown and black people who were protagonists in political conflicts, acting in the military troops. It starts from the assumption that the written representations are part of a “cultural circuit” (HALL, 2016), which compose the constructions of the subjects' identities, giving meaning to the roles that each one has in the social world. Within this circuit, produced and reproduced by a white and Europeanized elite, military service beckons to poor Brazilians as a possibility of suppressing the cleavage in relation to racial and class issues, as long as the individual, inserting himself in “service networks” (COSTA, 1992), agreed with the rules of the game of a slave-owning and unequal society.</p> Martha Victor Vieira Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 INDIGENOUS POLITICS, INDEPENDENCE OF BRAZIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE INDIGENOUS VILLAGE OF ARRONCHES – CEARÁ <p>The process of political independence in Brazil had a heterogeneous population participation, with its diversity of experiences, political cultures, projects for the future and ways of acting. In the villages subject to the Directory of Indians with the administrative category of village, there were municipal councils, where indigenous leaders had priority in occupying council positions. This article is dedicated to reflecting on the case of the city council of the indigenous village of Arronches. We will analyze sources that refer to or that were produced in the Senate, and the most important of them for this study is a book present in the National Library (1793-1831). We will try to identify the role that the council of this indigenous village assumed in the independence process and how it could be a possible environment for exposing the demands of the indigenous community it represented.</p> João Paulo Peixoto Costa Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 WATERWAY AND PROGRESS <p>From the middle of the 19th century, the province of Piauí experienced a transition phase in the field of technological progress, motivated by the implementation of a steam navigation company. This event had a broadly relevant meaning, as it provided a modern link between the interior and the coast and the removal of the stigma of backwardness and disenfranchisement. However, between projections, clashes and achievements, the company tried to get rid of the euphoria, focusing on the obstacles that were imposed on it in the period. It is worth highlighting the adaptation to the waterway and the training of its professional staff, including minor apprentices. Therefore, the company sought to focus its efforts on meeting their demands, overcoming the difficulties that arose in the course of the process. This condition, demonstrated through the fulfillment of its purpose, reflected in the growing demand for its services and in the advances detected by the conquests in the economic and social field. Including having contributed to raising tax collection and preparing Piauí for the mercantile demands of the coming century.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> José Lins Duarte, Johny Santana de Araújo Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 (RES)POLITICAL FEELINGS IN THE PROVINCE OF CEARÁ: the case of Icó and Vila de Telha (1868) <p>The present article aimed to analyze how narratives that evoked feelings and emotions were able to<br />serve as a political tool in the newspaper “O Cearense” and in the “Anais do Senado Imperial”<br />(Annals of the Imperial Senate). This research scope was based on the perception that in electoral<br />narratives - especially those related to acts of fraud and violence during elections in the towns of<br />Icó and Telha - the characters evoked their grudges, affections, and (re)sentiments when narrating a<br />fact or speaking about another political figure in the year 1868. Drawing upon the aforementioned<br />documentary sources and supporting bibliographies discussing the perspective of emotions in politics, a Textual Discursive Analysis was undertaken as the guiding methodological approach for problematization. The results obtained indicate that emotions, as a political tool, served to access a zone of confrontation among individuals that violence often failed to touch - even though these emotions were evoked as a “consequence” of acts of violence.</p> Maria Larisse Elias da Silva, Ana Elizabete Moreira de Farias Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 SOCIO-SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MARANHÃO <p>In national historiography, the theme province is relevant in the sense of understanding Brazil in the nineteenth century. Therefore, the objective is to contribute to the debate from the empirical reality of the Province of Maranhão in which the political, economic, and socio-spatial transformations are emphasized. To this end, the discussion is based on historical and dialectical materialism that made it possible to use the following procedures: bibliographic survey; cartographic survey; analysis, selection and interpretation of the information and data obtained. The results reveal that, in the Province of Maranhão, the Empire used strategies such as indigenous colonization, the implantation of settlements of foreigners, attempts to raise the economy, improvements in territorial articulation and resolution of territorial disputes in order to enable political domination and control of the territory, but faced the Republic of Pastos Bons and A Balaiada that put it in check. It is concluded that, in practice, this context reflected what occurred on a national and international scale, so that the Province of Maranhão changed little in the political and economic structure.</p> Antonio José de Araújo Ferreira Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 THE PROCESS OF BUILDING THE BRAZILIAN EMPIRE <p>Considering the relevance of discussions and productions in the context of teaching about Independence, we aim to disseminate and analyze all the actions that were developed in the various stages of the competition, under the responsibility of the Vitoriense Academy: Institute of Literature, History, Geography, Arts and Science. Considering the motto about Independence as students/ students of Basic Education are positioned in texts in prose and verses, combining past and present? We assume that actions like this one of AV enable an integrated work with the basic school, which has a progressive teaching perspective. The theoretical framework deals with aspects of both History and Analysis of Discursive Genres. The analysis cuts are three productions of the poetry genre and excerpts of prose from three of the works written in this modality. The process of critical education is necessary and effective actions and integrated work of institutions that safeguard these principles the results are effective and relevant to the community, in this case, victorious.</p> Sandra Regina Rodrigues dos Santos, Maria Francisca da Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 LORD COCHRANE AND THE INDEPENDENCES IN THE NORTH OF BRAZIL <p>In mid-July 2023, George Ermakoff, author of one of the most recent and successful biographies<br />about Admiral Cochrane, accepted the invitation from the organizers of this dossier to share his<br />insights on Cochrane’s trajectory and contributions, a prominent figure in the consolidation of<br />Independence in the northern provinces of Brazil. During the interview, he highlights Cochrane’s<br />ability to lead the Imperial Squadron to victory and discusses the perception of Brazilian authorities<br />and residents of the Northern provinces about Cochrane’s actions. Ermakoff also emphasizes the need for a historiographical review for a deeper understanding of Cochrane’s role in the<br />independence of these provinces. Finally, he shares his experience in writing a biography about<br />Cochrane and the challenges he encountered during this process. </p> Edyene Moraes dos Santos, Johny Santana de Araújo, Roni César Andrade de Araújo Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300