Revista Trópica - Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas <p>Publicação da Universidade Federal do Maranhão.</p> <p>Missão: Divulgação da produção científica de professores e pesquisadores que atuam no campo das Ciências Agrárias, Biológicas e Ambientais.</p> <p>ISSN 1982-4831</p> <p>Periodicidade: Fluxo contínuo</p> <p><strong>Qualis/CAPES (2017-2020): B4 </strong></p> pt-BR Direitos autorais Revista Trópica: Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas <br /><br /> <a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licença Creative Commons" /></a><br />Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional</a>. (Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr.) (Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr.) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0300 OJS 60 THE CARPOTECA OF THE HERBARIUM OF MARANHÃO (MAR) OF THE UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO MARANHÃO <p>The present study aims to present technical-scientific information from the MAR herbarium library, which has been expanded with samples of fruits from the flora of the Maranhão state, mainly from Restinga areas. The collection contains around 60 fruits, corresponding to 60 species and 28 families. The Fabaceae family is the most representative, with 11 species, followed by Euphorbiaceae, with 4 and Myrtaceae, with 6 species. </p> Camila dos Santos Pires, Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr. (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 NON-CONVENTIONAL FOOD PLANTS AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR FOOD DIVERSIFICATION <p>People use natural resources, especially of plant or animal origin, to satisfy their nutritional needs, with the contribution of plants being extremely relevant, but there is still a need to diversify plant sources. In this context, Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANCs), which are plant species that have one or more edible parts, whether spontaneous, cultivated or exotic and that are not included in our usual menu, are still neglected in their potential use. The present work aimed to disseminate knowledge among students at the IFPI campus Picos and other schools in the region, as well as to users of social networks about these plants, using methodologies that range from the collection and processing of botanical material to the production of informative posters to be disseminated virtually and preparation of recipes to assist in the dissemination of information about<br />PANC's. A total of twenty plants were collected and photographed, of which 10 were selected to produce the recipes. A profile was created on the social network Instagram to publicize recipes and botanical information about the species. We consider it important to disseminate data via social networks and people's feedback was important to understand that the information was objectively spread.</p> Lucilene Lima dos Santos Vieira, Júlys Carvalho Fortes, Kauany Letícia de Lima Hipólito, Airis Maria Araújo Melo, Thiago Silva Araújo, Leidiana Lima dos Santos (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 ANACARDIACEAE R.Br. IN AN AREA OF CAATINGA IN THE PARAÍBA HINTERLAND <p>In the Caatinga, species from the Anacardiaceae family represent one of the most widely used groups of palnts in the rural communities of Paraíba caatinga, due to their food and medicinal potential, in addition to boosting the local economy. This work aims to present a survey of species from the Anacardiaceae family occurring in a stretch of Caatinga of high ecological importance for conservation, thus contributing to the flora of the state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. To this purpose, exploratory hikes were carried out in the study area over a period of two years, in order to collect botanical material using collection and herborization techniques, following the usual taxonomic parameters. Once the species were correctly identified, the exsiccates were placed in the CSTR Herbarium collection, from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos campus. The survey catalogued three species of the family belonging to three genera (Astronium Jacq., Schinopsis Engl. and Spondias L.) and one of the which is listed as endangered specie by LC category. Actions to plan conservation programs for these species with food, medicinal and timber potential in the Caatinga are important and necessary to protect this potential, through the existence of a seed bank, production of seedlings and planting in degraded areas. </p> Carlos Henrique Silva de Oliveira, Francisca Marta Medeiros dos Santos, Romildo Araújo Macena, Elany Pereira Marques da Silva, Emanoel Messias Pereira Fernando, Maria de Fátima de Araújo (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 MIMOSOID CLADE (CAESALPINIOIDEAE, FABACEAE) IN THE OLHO D’ÁGUA DAS ONÇAS ECOLOGICAL RESERVE, PICUÍ, SERIDÓ OF PARAÍBA STATE, BRAZILIAN NORTHEAST <p>Fabaceae is the most diversified angiosperm family of the Caatinga. Mimosoid clade is comprised in the Caesalpinioideae subfamily, is Pantropical, occurring in both dry and humid regions, and is relevant from a taxonomic point of view in the Caatinga phytogeographic domain. This study aimed to present the list of species of Mimosoid clade in the Olho d’Água das Onças Ecological Reserve, a Conservation area of Caatinga located in the municipality of Picuí, Seridó of Paraíba, Brazilian Northeast. We have done 11 field expeditions between August/2022 and April/2023, following traditional collection and herborization methods for taxonomic studies. Species identification was based on specialized literature and the geographic distribution data were obtained from the Flora e Funga do Brasil online platform. In the studied area, we found seven species, in three genera: <em>Chloroleucon</em> (1 sp.), <em>Mimosa</em> (5 spp.) and <em>Pityrocarpa</em> (1 sp.), one of these is endemic of the Caatinga domain (<em>Pityrocarpa moniliformes</em>) and another is endemic to the Northeast region (<em>Mimosa paraibana</em>). We present here the species list, with their respective types of habits, geographic distribution, frequency, flowering and or fruiting data. Based on the results, the Olho d’Água das Onças ER constitutes an important center of floristic diversity in the Brazilian Northeast. </p> Bernardo de Farias Rocha, Michel Martins Rodrigues, Maria Fabiana Bezerra de Sousa, Dilma Maria de Brito Melo Trovão, José Iranildo Miranda de Melo (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 ANATOMY OF JAMBEIRO PLANTS FORMED THROUGH CUTTINGS IN A HYDROPONIC SYSTEM <p>The jambeiro is a fruit tree widely valued in South and Central America, but commercial production of seedlings through seeds is limited because the seeds are recalcitrant and produced irregularly in the fruits. For this reason, propagation by cuttings becomes a viable alternative to obtain uniform and early seedlings. This work aimed to produce jambeiro seedlings through cuttings in a hydroponic system. Semi-woody and herbaceous cuttings were used, with the base of the cuttings immersed in a solution containing 2 g L-1 of Indole-Butyric Acid and immediately transferred to a tray containing a nutrient solution. After 60 days, leaves and roots<br />were collected for anatomical analysis. In the leaves, transverse sections of the leaf blade and abaxial and adaxial paradermis were obtained, and in the roots, transverse sections were obtained. It was found that the hydroponic system proved to be viable for the formation of jambeiro seedlings. Anatomical analyzes demonstrated adequate development of the shoot tissues and root system of the seedlings, suggesting that they have the potential to survive after planting in the field. This represents a significant contribution to the sustainable production of jambeiro seedlings, especially in reforestation and environmental conservation contexts. </p> Arthur Baeta Coutinho, Luís Davi Santos Fernandes, Emerson Ferreira Abreu, Juliano dos Santos, Rolzele Robson Marques, Ilisandra Zanandrea (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 DISTRIBUTION, AREAS OF ENDEMISM AND CONSERVATION OF ENDEMIC SPECIES OF THE CLADE HIPPOMANOIDE IN BAHIA, BRAZIL <p>Hippomanoide is one of the clades that emerged in the Euphorbioideae and comprises the Hureae, Pachystromateae and Hippomaneae tribes. Many species of the clade are recorded in eastern Brazil and seven of them are endemic to Bahia. The present work aimed to determine the geographic distribution, richness patterns, areas of endemism and conservation status of the endemic species of Hippomanoide in Bahia. For the analysis and preparation of the maps, the geographic coordinates obtained from the specimens in the virtual herbaria and specialized literature were used. <em>Microstachys uleana</em> is the species with the greatest range of distribution while <em>Stillingia loranthacea</em>, <em>Microstachys revoluta</em>, <em>Ophthalmoblapton parviflorum</em> and <em>Sebastiania trinervia</em> were the most restricted. The central region of Bahia emerged as the holder of the greatest species richness of the clade, and the one with the highest endemicity. However, this region is also the target of constant anthropogenic pressure. We conclude that, although two of the three endangered species have some protected populations in Conservation Units, we draw attention to the need for protective measures in the environments where the species of the Clade occur, especially because some of them are very restricted and even known only by type collection.</p> Tiago Ferreira da Silva Oliveira, Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Ketley Gomes Campos, Sarah Maria Athiê de Souza (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 STRATEGIES OF A DRY FOREST HERBACEOUS PLANT FROM SHADE TO SUN: IS IT BETTER TO INVEST IN CARBON FIXATION OR RESERVE WATER? <p>The availability of water and light affects the strategies of herbaceous plants in dry forests, acting as limiting factors for their survival. Based on these assumptions, we evaluated the responses in foliar attributes of two populations of Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd., situated beneath the canopy of a shade tree (Clitoria fairchildiana R. A. Howard) and in an open field. In order to observe the adaptive responses to the environment, the question arose: is it better to invest in carbon fixation or water storage? We measured the vegetative traits of the herbaceous plants located beneath the shade tree with a projected shade radius of 8.30m, and another population located 10m away exposed to full sunlight. We found that in shaded environments, plants invest in greater leaf area and biomass accumulation but reduce the water content in their leaves. Conversely, plants in full sunlight reduce leaf area and biomass but increase their water reserves. We conclude that the evolutionary adjustments of herbaceous plants, as continuous and dynamic processes, along with the influence of "facilitating plants," are crucial for understanding the changes that occur in populations over time and for the development of potential survival strategies in the face of future climate change.</p> Wanderson Rafael dos Santos Passos, Renan Pablo Oliveira do Nascimento, Ludmylla Ribeiro Sousa, Bruno Ayron de Souza Aguiar, Maria Jaislanny Lacerda e Medeiros, Clarissa Gomes Reis Lopes (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS A TOOL FOR DISSEMINATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT OF BOTANICAL COLLECTIONS: A REPORT ON THE MAR HERBÁRIO <p>The aim of this study is to describe the improvements achieved by using the “Specielink” and “Flora e Funga” do Brasil platforms for the Maranhão Herbarium (MAR). Currently, the total number of records in the MAR Herbarium is 13,335, indicating an increase of around 12% in the inclusion of data and documentation of specimens. This increase is relevant because the taxonomic identifications made in herbaria serve as a basis for improving basic and applied sciences. The results obtained revealed the existence of errors and flaws in the MAR Herbarium's records. These flaws can compromise the accuracy and reliability of the data, and may jeopardize the use of the herbarium's records as a source of scientific information. By correcting the records and keeping the system up to date, it is possible to improve taxonomic accuracy and facilitate access to reliable data on the region's flora. To do this, it is necessary to invest in specialized human resources, since they can collaborate in a concrete and efficient way with the handling of these information systems. </p> Dayane Sousa Candido, Hynder Lima de Souza, Ana Carolina Almeida Aleixo Jesus, Maira Rodrigues Diniz, Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr. (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 DIVERSIDADE FUNCIONAL DA VEGETAÇÃO ARBÓREA E ARBUSTIVA EM CERRADO EM DIFERENTES ESTÁGIOS EM REGENERAÇÃO NO NORDESTE DO BRASIL <p>Buscamos responder: As métricas funcionais apresentarão maior relação com riqueza de espécies na área conservada? Encontraremos maiores valores das métricas funcionais na área conservada? As médias dos valores dos traços funcionais serão maiores para áreas conservadas e similares entre as áreas em regeneração? As áreas apresentarão diferenças na composição funcional sendo o turnover mais preponderante para a diversidade beta funcional? Selecionamos duas áreas com diferentes tempos de regeneração (18 e 35 anos) e uma conservada e implantamos uma parcela de 50x50 m. Coletamos traços funcionais de 24 espécies arbóreo-arbustivas das quais foram medidos: espessura da folha, massa seca e fresca da folha, área foliar, área foliar específica e densidade da madeira. Somente riqueza funcional e riqueza em espécies apresentaram relação com riqueza em espécies. Verificamos diferença na divergência e dispersão funcional entre as áreas em regeneração, as áreas conservadas apresentaram os maiores valores das médias e as áreas 35 anos os menores valores. Evidenciamos diferença na composição funcional entre as áreas em regeneração e conservada. O valor do turnover foi 0,7101 e do aninhamento 0,150. O tempo de regeneração e prática agrícola influenciam na composição funcional, onde verificamos que o turnover é o componente mais preponderante para diversidade beta funcional.</p> Noelma Silva Ribeiro, Rodrigo Ferreira de Morais, Edimara Silva Reis, Ronaldo de Araújo Ibiapina (c) Tous droits réservés 2024 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 HISTORICAL RESCUE OF NORTHEAST BOTANY MEETINGS <p>In the regional scenario, the Nordestina Botany Meeting (RNB) is a traditional event in the area that has been taking place since 1977 and brings together professionals and students from the Northeast and other regions. RNB is important for disseminating knowledge about biodiversity in the Northeast, the need for its conservation and the possibilities for sustainable use, providing discussions on contemporary and emerging topics in Botany. This study presents a historical review of RNBs with the aim of reaffirming the need for their implementation given the impact on the botanical community. The collection of information was carried out based on the analysis of the Annals of RNBs and search sites. Furthermore, the headquarters of the Brazilian Botanical Society in Brasília was also visited and historical documents were accessed. The first RNB took place in 1977, in Recife, PE, shortly after the creation of the Pernambuco Section of the Brazilian Botanical Society (SBB). The meetings took place annually, being a milestone in the calendar of botanical activities in Brazil. Between the 34th and 35th editions (2011 and 2017, respectively), there was a significant gap. In 2021, due to the imposition of restrictions inherent to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 37th RNB took place virtually and the 38th RNB (for cost reasons) also took place in the same format.</p> Maria Carolina de Abreu, Luciana dos Santos Dias de Oliveira, Josiene Maria Falcão Fraga dos Santos, Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr. (c) Tous droits réservés 2023 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300